Coffee painting series (Fireplace)

I realized the other day, that I have a lot of images with coffee in them. There are so many good photos that it’s possible that I would never run out of coffee ideas. I’m starting with a cozy setting with a fireplace, coffee, slippered feet, and a book. I transferred the drawing (done on tracing paper) to the watercolor paper and went to work mixing the colors. I have one paint brush in each of the colors, so I can just grab what I need.

This is what the paper looks like after I go wild adding paint.

This is what the paper looks like after I go wild adding paint.

When I spritz the paper with water, that helps the colors blend as I tilt the board. It looks a lot less garish now.

When I spritz the paper with water, that helps the colors blend as I tilt the board. It looks a lot less garish now.

This is the painting on my table. This is a full sheet of Arches 140 lb, cold press paper which is 22” x 30”.

This is the painting on my table. This is a full sheet of Arches 140 lb, cold press paper which is 22” x 30”.

The painting dries to a dull sheen and I start scrubbing off the highlights. (Chinese white applied to the paper helps with this technique) Things are starting to take shape. A lot of decisions need to be made at this stage. I need to decide how muc…

The painting dries to a dull sheen and I start scrubbing off the highlights. (Chinese white applied to the paper helps with this technique) Things are starting to take shape. A lot of decisions need to be made at this stage. I need to decide how much of the beautiful colors to cover up with more layers of paint. I’m pleased with the glow of the fire. I used QoR Hansa Yellow on the flames, which is a watercolor paint that retains it’s brightness when dry. I have a lot of work to do yet.